Wearable Fairy Mugs
The fairies discovered these lovely wee mugs just their size but worn by humans so that they will never miss a chance to enjoy a cuppa...
Welcome to Fairy Pen Pals where folks of all ages write to the Fae and get a hand-written reply. There is no charge for visits, letters, love, or magic here. The Fae have answered nearly 3,000 letters and counting since July 2020. This is a labor of love, not a business or official charity. We are thrilled to have been on The Kelly Clarkson Show twice (2021 & June 2022).
Fairy Tree was entered into the Library of Congress as part of the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) as a "Witness Tree" to the events of the pandemic.
CLICK the PDF button to view the Library of Congress entry in HALS.